Sex Education Is Essential for American Schools

Sex education has been a hot topic of discussion in the United States for years, and recently, Fox News commentators have reignited the debate with their criticism of its inclusion in American schools. Former White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany kicked off the conversation by referencing a report from Baltimore revealing that not one student was proficient in math at grade level. She also mentioned two books Florida Governor Ron DeSantis wanted to pull from Florida schools: Let’s Talk About It: A Teen’s Guide to Sex and Relationships, and It’s Perfectly Normal. Fox Business anchor Katrina Campins agreed with McEnany’s sentiment, voicing her disapproval of introducing sexuality topics into the school curriculum instead of focusing on more important subjects like financial literacy or taxes.

From a democratic standpoint, sex education is an essential part of every child’s education that should be discussed in school as well as at home. Despite what some may think, sex education does not just involve learning about anatomy or biology – it provides individuals with information about relationships, consent, communication, and self-esteem so they can make informed decisions about their sexual health and well-being throughout their life. In fact, research shows that comprehensive sex education programs help young people learn appropriate behaviors and delay sexual activity until they are ready to make responsible decisions.

In addition to providing students with access to vital information that could protect them from making dangerous mistakes later in life, sex education can also help reduce teens’ risk of experiencing unplanned pregnancies or contracting sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). Studies have demonstrated that states which require schools to provide comprehensive sex ed programs typically have lower rates of teen pregnancy than those which don’t; this suggests that when young people are properly educated on healthy relationships, contraception use, and STD prevention strategies they make better decisions concerning their sexual health. Additionally, there is evidence suggesting that incorporating gender identity into sex ed classes significantly increases acceptance towards LGBTQIA+ individuals – something we all need more support for!

At the end of the day – whether you agree with it or not – it’s important we continue having conversations about the role sex education plays in our children’s overall development and provide students access to accurate information regarding their physical health as well as emotional wellbeing. The bottom line is if we want our children to grow up healthy and safe – both physically and psychologically – then investing time into teaching them proper sexual health practices must remain a priority for us all.