On Wednesday, a grand jury in Chicago took a major step towards holding the father of Robert Crimo accountable for his son’s deadly attack at the city’s July Fourth parade last year. According to the indictment, Robert Crimo’s father was charged with aiding and abetting his son in obtaining a firearms license back in 2019 – something that ultimately enabled the tragedy that resulted in seven deaths and 48 injuries.
This is not the first time that someone has been held accountable for their connection to one of America’s most notorious shooters. In 2015, Dylann Roof’s uncle was sentenced to prison for providing false information on federal forms that allowed his nephew to purchase a gun. Now, almost exactly five years later, Robert Crimo’s father is being held responsible for helping him obtain a license that allowed him access to weapons he used during his rampage.
The details of this case are incredibly disturbing and raise several concerning questions about how such tragedies can be prevented in the future. How did Crimo’s father obtain this firearms license? Was there anything else he could have done to prevent his son from getting access to guns? What can be learned from this case that will help other families avoid similar situations?
These are all important questions that must be answered as we seek justice in this case and work towards preventing similar attacks in our communities nationwide. It is critical that parents take proactive steps to ensure their children do not have access to guns or licenses allowing them to obtain guns illegally. We must do everything possible to keep our families safe while making sure those who are responsible for illegal activities of any kind face the repercussions they deserve.
For now, Robert Crimo’s father will have to answer for his part in helping his son gain access to weapons used during one of America’s deadliest mass shootings in recent memory. This indictment serves as an important reminder of our responsibility as citizens when it comes to keeping our communities safe from unnecessary gun violence – we must take every step possible, including ensuring family members don’t aid or abet individuals attempting to illegally obtain firearms licenses.