E. Jean Carroll Plans to Use $83 Million Trump Judgment for Women’s Rights Causes

E. Jean Carroll, who emerged victorious in a high-profile defamation lawsuit against former President Donald Trump, has declared her intention to use the $83 million judgment in a way that would deeply irk Trump. Appearing on ABC’s “Good Morning America,” Carroll revealed her plans to channel the funds into causes the ex-president vehemently opposes, particularly hinting at the establishment of “a fund for the women who have been sexually assaulted by Donald Trump.”

This lawsuit, a culmination of years of legal struggle, was initiated following Trump’s public denouncement of Carroll, who accused him of assault and rape in a department store dressing room during the 1990s. Trump’s disparaging remarks, she claimed, had severely damaged her reputation. In 2023, a jury sided with Carroll, recognizing Trump’s actions as defamatory and initially awarding her $5 million in damages. The subsequent $83 million award further acknowledged the significant impact on her reputation.

Trump, notorious for his complicated financial dealings and history of loan defaults, faces several options in response to this judgment. He has hinted at an appeal, which would involve either paying the full amount to the court to hold during the legal process or securing a bond for judgment during the appeal. The latter would only require a fraction of the total amount upfront but necessitates finding an agency willing to lend him the funds, a potentially challenging endeavor given his financial history.

One avenue Trump cannot pursue is using his political action committee for the payment, as the substantial sum far exceeds his available funds. Additionally, utilizing such a hefty amount of his campaign resources during his presidential run could significantly impact his political endeavors.

Carroll’s move to use the judgment in a way that targets Trump’s stance on issues and supports his alleged victims marks a significant moment in the ongoing saga between the two. It represents not just a legal victory but also a strategic push against Trump’s historical treatment of women and his public persona.

This development has garnered significant attention, particularly among young, progressive audiences who often align with movements against sexual assault and support accountability for powerful figures. Carroll’s decision to potentially establish a fund for Trump’s alleged assault victims aligns with these values, highlighting the importance of justice and support for survivors in the face of power and influence.