Gaza in Rubble: Israel’s Aerial Onslaught Aims for Destruction, Not Precision

In the bleak shadow of war, an astonishing revelation came to light: an Israel Defense Forces (IDF) official, Daniel Hagari, admitted that the ongoing bombing campaign in Gaza is not about accurate targeting but rather causing extensive, indiscriminate damage. Witnesses on the ground, Gazans scrambling amidst the devastation of their homes, markets, and sacred spaces, have had their horrifying experiences validated by this dark acknowledgment.

“The emphasis is on damage and not on accuracy,” Hagari asserted candidly, giving voice to what was painfully obvious to those observing the chaotic ruins of Gaza. This isn’t a meticulously planned strike on military installations of Hamas. No, it is an attempt to cripple the very spirit and survival of the approximately 2 million citizens of Gaza, nearly half of whom are children.

Images of leveled residential buildings, mangled marketplaces in Gaza’s largest refugee camps, and hospitals and mosques reduced to ruins paint a tragic, poignant picture of this intention. Families, already grappling with the nightmarish reality of living in an occupied territory, have been wiped out in the aftermath of a Hamas attack that has led to the death of hundreds of individuals.

The international laws of conflict dictate that warring factions should adhere to principles such as distinguishing between civilian and combatant, employing proportionality, and utilizing precaution. However, the actions, paired with Hagari’s statement, exhibit a blatant disregard for these principles and hint toward a possible violation of international humanitarian law.

A chilling illustration is the IDF’s strike on four mosques in the Shati refugee camp, which according to Gaza authorities, led to collapsing domes and the loss of worshippers trapped inside. The Sousi mosque, once standing amidst the rubble, was a place where young boys would frequently play soccer.

Hagari disclosed that Israel’s aerial assault on Gaza utilized “thousands of armaments” within a mere 24 hours, boasting an intensity five times greater than the strikes on Hezbollah during the Second Lebanon War. And in a deeply alarming move, Israel announced a “total” blockade of Gaza, severing its electricity supply and prohibiting the entry of essential supplies like food and fuel – a move that, by all means, appears to be collective punishment, which is clearly defined as a war crime under international law.

Hajer Naili from the nonprofit Center for Civilians in Conflict critically noted: “Such a statement indicates that Israel is neither using precaution, proportionality, [nor] distinguishing between civilians and combatants when launching attacks in Gaza.”

Gaza, a territory already suffocated by years of blockades and restrictions, is plunged deeper into a humanitarian catastrophe. United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres expressed his concern, condemning the acts of terror committed by Hamas and being “deeply alarmed” by Israel’s aggressive response, which has even struck two United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) schools sheltering displaced families.

What transpires in Gaza is more than just a political dispute – it is a humanitarian crisis, an unequivocal tragedy where the universal rights to life, security, and freedom are brutally stifled.

The saga of Gaza illuminates the harsh disparities in power, resources, and international support. The narrative moving forward must not only be centered around accountability but also a fervent call to safeguard innocent lives caught in the crossfire of geopolitical strife.

For the citizens of Gaza, the bombings are not merely a headline but a horrific reality that annihilates their loved ones, homes, and their very existence. Their plight and the stark admissions by the IDF official demand a critical global conversation about humanity, equity, and the true cost of political power struggles.