Big Auto’s Double Game: While Workers Strike for Fair Pay, GM and Ford Threaten Layoffs

In the midst of what can only be called an era-defining strike, Ford and General Motors (GM) dropped a bombshell: plans to lay off thousands. But why? They’re pointing fingers at the walkouts organized by the United Auto Workers (UAW) union. But something’s fishy here, and UAW’s president, Shawn Fain, isn’t buying it.

When you have corporations making record-breaking profits, you’ve got to wonder, why are they threatening layoffs? As Fain pointed out, these companies are swimming in cash. They could quite literally double the wages of every autoworker and still not see a dent in their profits. And yet, instead of addressing the genuine grievances of their workers, they’re playing a dangerous game, trying to “squeeze” the union into submission.

Here’s the real tea: Ford has announced it’s axing about 600 jobs at its Michigan plant, citing repercussions from the UAW’s strike actions. GM? They’re gearing up to sideline 2,000 workers at their Kansas-based Fairfax Assembly plant, and they’re blaming it all on the “ripple effect” of the UAW’s stand.

But let’s be real, these layoffs are just tactics — desperate attempts to divert attention and pressure the UAW into backing down. According to Fain, this move is a clear ploy by Big Auto to strong-arm the union members into settling for less. But, if Ford and GM think these tactics will work, they’re sorely mistaken. As Fain bravely declared, the UAW is committed to ensuring not a single worker affected by these corporate games will go without an income. They’re in it for the long haul.

Meanwhile, the battle rages on. Over 12,000 UAW workers are holding the line at three plants. And the UAW’s strategy? A gradual, tactical increase of strikes, ensuring their negotiators have all the cards as they push for significant wage and benefit improvements. An “all-out” strike isn’t off the table, and the Big Three better watch out.

Now, let’s talk numbers. Reports suggest Stellantis has proposed a nearly 21% wage boost. Sounds big, right? But when you consider the UAW is pushing for a 36% raise, it’s clear there’s a massive gap. Ford and GM? They’re offering just 20% and 18%. It’s almost laughable when Ford’s CEO, Jim Farley — raking in a cool $21 million last year — says UAW’s wage demands could “bankrupt” the company. As Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez rightly called out, the real issue isn’t paying workers. It’s the ludicrously high CEO compensations and the millions spent on stock buybacks.

In the end, this isn’t just about wages. It’s about respect, dignity, and the right of every worker to a fair share of the pie. As Fain passionately declared from the picket line, Ford and GM could afford to pay their workers more, and still, their profit margins would soar. So why aren’t they? Big Auto needs to step up, value its workers, and do what’s right. It’s high time.