Romney Bids Farewell to the Senate and Opens the Door for Fresh Faces

Mitt Romney’s calling it quits. The 76-year-old Senator from Utah finally seems to have grasped the sentiment many millennials have been shouting for years: we need new blood in our leadership. Romney announced his plans to hang up his Senate shoes when his term wraps up in 2025, noting, “It’s time for a new generation of leaders.”

Having played various roles in public service over the past quarter-century, including a presidential bid in 2012 (where he took a few jabs at lower-income Americans) and a stint as Massachusetts governor, Romney’s retirement isn’t entirely shocking. But what was unexpected? His criticism of both President Biden and former President Trump points out their apparent inability to tackle issues like climate change, authoritarianism, and national debt.

Romney has long been a black sheep in the Republican herd, especially when it came to Trump. Let’s be real, he didn’t just throw shade – he cast a whole shadow, calling the former POTUS a “fraud,” a “phony,” and a less-than-ideal role model. He even holds the unique distinction of being the lone Republican senator to vote for Trump’s removal – not once, but twice during impeachment trials.

But get this, folks: in a forthcoming biography, Romney spills the beans on his feelings about the GOP’s MAGA direction. Spoiler: He’s not a fan. Feeling like a misfit in his own party and wary of Trump loyalists back home, he cited fears over how these very loyalists might react if he ran for another term. And yes, he’s talking about the kind who packs heat.

When Romney joined the Senate during Trump’s term, he discovered that the behind-the-scenes chatter wasn’t all pro-Trump. Senators reportedly laughed at Trump’s antics and ridiculed his perceived ignorance. That’s some piping-hot tea right there.

But here’s a curveball: despite his critiques, Romney often voted in line with Trump, supporting him on many of his far-right policies. It’s like criticizing the chef but still eating the food, isn’t it?

As the wave of retirement sentiments grows within the Senate, it brings forth a much-needed conversation on the age of our leaders. The Senate’s median age sits over 65, which, by the way, isn’t too far off from the age many Americans retire from their day jobs. A recent poll even showed that a whopping 77% of Americans feel there should be age limits for those on Capitol Hill.

So, as Romney steps back, making way for new leaders to take the reins, one has to wonder: will others follow suit? With the times a-changin’ and millennials demanding action on critical issues, maybe it’s high time our representation reflects the face of modern America.