“Die on This Front Porch”: Illinois GOP Candidate’s Fiery Defense of Gun Rights

Whoa! You’ve probably heard of standing your ground, but Illinois’ GOP congressional hopeful, Darren Bailey, just took it to a whole new level.

In response to the Illinois Supreme Court’s decision to support Governor J.B. Pritzker’s ban on assault-style weapons, Bailey made a charged declaration. From his now-infamous front porch, where he’s previously spouted a fair share of, let’s call it “interesting” rhetoric, Bailey stated he’s ready to make the ultimate sacrifice to defend his gun rights. “I will die on this front porch before I give up any of my Second Amendment freedoms,” he passionately proclaimed.

Now, to our gun-toting friends, the Second Amendment is sacrosanct. But here’s the thing – while the right to bear arms is enshrined in the Constitution, shouldn’t the safety of the community also be a paramount concern?

According to CNN, Illinois Attorney General Kwame Raoul points out that the new law is a “critical part” of their strategy against gun violence. And let’s face it, when Governor Pritzker’s office mentions keeping “mass-killing machines” away from schools, malls, parks, and places of worship, it’s hard to argue against such reasoning.

Look, we’re all about individual rights and freedoms, but when your freedom potentially compromises the safety of others, maybe it’s time to re-evaluate. If only Bailey’s fiery commitment could be directed toward creating a safer Illinois for everyone.