Democratic Hopeful Smashes Fundraising Record to Challenge Boebert in 2024

Colorado businessman Adam Frisch, the Democrat who came within 546 votes of unseating the infamous GOP Rep. Lauren Boebert in 2022, is making waves again with a groundbreaking second-quarter fundraising total. This record-setting financial momentum sets the stage for another thrilling showdown in 2024.

Frisch announced that he has raked in a staggering $2.6 million in Q2 alone. This phenomenal feat blows previous records out of the water, making it the most substantial quarterly fundraising effort by a U.S. House challenger in a pre-election year. And remember, this excludes special elections and self-funded campaigns.

Brimming with gratitude, Frisch addressed his supporters in a press release, thanking each individual who has contributed to his campaign. His aim is clear: To give the people of Southern and Western Colorado a representative who takes the job seriously works collaboratively, and addresses the challenges facing the district.

He didn’t mince words about Boebert, stating, “Boebert continues to vote against the interests of her constituents while devoting her time to ‘angertainment’ antics that do nothing to help CO-3. We can do better than Boebert, and thanks to our generous supporters, we will defeat her in 2024.”

It’s been a hot minute since Colorado’s 3rd district sent a Democrat to Congress – the last time being in 2008. But if anyone can turn the tide, it’s Frisch. After all, his narrow defeat in 2022 was the closest House race in the country.

So far, Frisch has amassed an impressive $4.4 million from nearly 85,000 individual donors since kickstarting his bid for a rematch in February. In the last quarter alone, his campaign pulled in more than 81,000 donations averaging $32.

Frisch has put forth a robust campaign agenda that covers issues central to Coloradans, such as water, energy, agriculture, jobs, and women’s healthcare. He’s also a staunch supporter of a woman’s right to choose. It’s a stance that Boebert attacked last month, but his commitment to these issues remains unwavering.

As this race gains momentum, it’s clear that Frisch is not just in it for the challenge. He’s here to make a change and put the people first, a refreshing shift away from the divisive politics we’re all too familiar with.